
Available from Dr. Behr: Apple Cider Vinegar Powder from European Production
- 14.11.2024
Apple cider vinegar powder is a product created through double fermentation – alcoholic and acetic.

Dr. Behr GmbH Publishes Its Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) for 2023
- 14.11.2024
As part of its sustainability strategy, Dr. Behr GmbH has released its Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) for 2023.

Chia und maca from very close up: Dr. Behr travelled to the growing region
- 24.06.2024
Quality is our number one priority. And for us reason enough to convince ourselves of the quality of chia seeds and maca we offer directly at our suppliers.

Chia and maca – a market overview
- 24.06.2024
Although this year’s harvest yield was below average for both conventionally and organically grown cha seeds, Dr. Behr expects a stable price level into the first quarter of 2016.

Gelatinised maca: the particularly digestible powder
- 12.12.2023
Gelatinisation is a special and gentle process that mechanically breaks down the starch chains. The result: an easy-to-digest maca powder ideal for people with a sensitive stomach.

Why pumpkin seed extract is so appreciated
- 12.12.2023
Aqueous extract of pumpkin seeds – as available from Dr. Behr – features many valuable substances that particularly may ease prostate and bladder problems. It is, however, also rich in minerals, trace elements and vitamins.